His Ultimate Ecstasy!

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Engagement | Rings for The Lovebirds
Sunday, November 4, 2012 @ 9:41 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` wanna say something? ( 0 )

The ring.
Yesss, the part that i love the most.

Cari and beli cincin aku adalah 1st thing 1st to start our preparation time nak bertunang dulu.
SG cakap cincin aku mesti dibeli terlebih dahulu, baru dia senang hati.
Sebab cincin ni lebih kurang macam symbolic laa and he was putting a big figure and budget just for this ring tawww.
SG cakap kat aku lagi, dia nak beli cincin yang mahal untuk aku sebab since we're dating, dia jarang sangat bagi presents kat aku.
And time tu memang aku tersentuh habis and terharu :')

Agak susah jugak nak carik cincin yang seswai untuk jari aku ni.
Satu hari suntuk cari cincin kat Carpenter Street tu, satu pun yang tak berkenan di hati aku and SG.
Bukannya takda yang gojes gojes kat situ, tapi masalahnya aku mesti cari cincin yang wider.
Sebenarnya aku teringin la nak beli cincin yang ada one diamond kat tengah tu,
Taaappiii, bila aku try pakai memang sumpah nampak macam pakai cincin mainan jerr.
Sebab cincin tu mostly dia tak wide.

Tu laaa siapa suruh tak kuat makan, kalau tak mesti jari gemuk and cantik je bila pakai cincin ala ala bermata besar tu -.-'
And finally, SG sajes untuk beli cincin yang flat jer sebab confirm cincin tu wider.
I've said to him, aku okay jer and at last jumpa jugak cincin idaman hati :3
Size cincin? Eh mestilah the smallest one. 
Size 9, still a lil bit loose haha.
Its okay, janji tak tercabut bila pakai nanti haha.

A ring for him was not in the plan at first.
SG cakap, tak perlu.
Tapi his parent kata, perlu.
Time his parent met my parent two weeks before our EDay, 
they were bringing out this matter.
And all of them agreed that we should go and find a ring for SG.

Sebab tak nak jadi anak derhaka, so aku and SG were rushing to buy his ring.
Susah jugak carik sebab SG ni ada cerewet sket.
Tapi finally terjumpa jugak cincin dia kat tempat yang tak disangka sangka HAHAHAHA!

The climax moment of the day.
And aku terlupa nak potong kuku aku haha!

 I really miss my engagement day.
I really was.




Layout hand-coded by Rainy Martini.