His Ultimate Ecstasy!

Rakan Sepenjenayah

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I LOVE THEM. - Part 2
Friday, July 8, 2011 @ 11:47 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` wanna say something? ( 0 )

Salam everyone.

This post supposedly need to be posted by yesterday, since yesterday was 7th.
But unfortunately, i think that i have to post about my trip to KL 1st, 
and finally ive got an idea to mix it up under the same post title 
but divided into a few parts.
Konon kononnya ada berkronologi la tek cerita aku tok. 

Yes, yesterday was our "monthsary" or some people say, "mooniversary".
Its been already 8 years and 10 months we've been together.
Syukur Alhamdulillah, everything are still the same.
Moreover, our unbreakable love still growing stronger day by day.
I love having a matured relationship that we undergo right now.
Some might say its kinda boring tapi seriously aku suka.
Less problems produced.

For example, lets say if we cannot see each other or dating in 7days, we still be fine.
Or in a day just a few messages received, sik sampei 10 igek pun, we still be okay.
Or if i am going out with my male friends, 
or nya keluar ngan female friends nya, we still be allright.
Sekda marah marah, merajuk merajuk, manas manas langsong.
Apa yang penting is trust each other!

Like when we went to KL that day,
I knew he was so worried of me.
He afraid that he cannot 100% stay focus on me, 
sebab nya ada 4 orang gik yang perlu d jaga.
Luckily, aku tok seorang girlfriend yang penyabar dan baik hati!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Peferafasanfan!

Kesian Wan ehh.
As a person yang dah d responsible kan to look after us,
our happiness is his main priority.
He sacrificed a lot. A LOT!
Only GOD knows.
Ariya pun nya sik bebeli barang gilak bah.
Paling kesian time kat Uptown, where everyone dah berpecah pecah.
Aku nang mok neman nya raon raon cya but he kept on asking me to teman kan Ayuni.
And let him walk alone by himself. Huhhu.
Sob sob sob.
Sob sob sob.
*nangis kejap*

Tapi nak,
aku patut bersyukur sebab Tuhan berik chance ngan aku n Wan dapat g holiday sama2.
Along the way going many places that day, 
we were reminiscing our old loveliest moments that we ever had time study dolok.
Nait belon sama sama, ngedate n tengok wayang kat KL,
turun nait tren,komuter,monorail, taxi, bus and KLIA express.
Ohhhhhh i miss all of 'em. Nostalgia ada jak eh.
Rasa rindu tiba tiba. 
Susah senang masa blaja dolok, sumama ya dikongsi bersama.
Sob sob sob.
Sob sob sob.
*sambong nangis balit*

Dear Sayang,

Thank you, thank you so muchh!
Thats all that i can say to you.
For all the big and little behind-the-scene things you do,
that make our life a lot easier.



Ekceli we've snap alots of pictures together that day.
But i think sik pelu diupload suma ya.
So cgek tok ajak laa aku upload k cukup syarat. Hehe.
Nok lain ya,cukupla pakei tatapan aku sampei ngigo sorang sorang ajak.
Thats better I guess.
Too much being exposed, aku pandei rasa ingga ngan dikpun.

* Masa on our way back to Kuching, ada somethin happened to us.
Pereyyy ehh mun di ingat balit.
Nasib Aziey tengah hanyut dibuai mimpi dudok sebelah aku time ya.
Tulah ehh, camnei la boleh terkantoi depan Wan.
Supan nyawa ku aie.
Biar aku & Wan ajak la tauk pasal tok.
Mun ada orang tauk hal tok, tauk la aku sapa pun kerjaaa!

Thats all for now.
Goodbye everyone!


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