His Ultimate Ecstasy!

Rakan Sepenjenayah

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· 12/1/14 - 1/1/15

I LOVE THEM - Part 1
Thursday, July 7, 2011 @ 10:36 PM `°•.¸¸.•°` wanna say something? ( 2 )
Hello human.

Recently, i just got back from a short trip to KL for 3 days.
What a tiring and hectic weekend I had last week.
And that's made all my gorgeous organs completely still hurt till now on.
I bet it will be recovering in one week times perhaps.
Harap harap la macam ya ehh, sik tahan ku sakit macam tok bah.

Walaupun semua segala cdak urat urat and otot otot still in pain,
aku tetap rasa happy gilak gilak sebab everythin went well without any big problems.
Millions thanks to my Shazwan for taking such a good care all of us.
Makseh banyak banyak ahh sebab sabar dengan karenah mekorang suma.
I know its not as easy as an ABC for you to make sure all the plans went well 
according to what we've planned before.
But still, you can manage wisely to reschedule so that everyone still can enjoy the trip.
Seeing they grab and bought so many things with the biggest smile on their face,
I guess each one of them are really happy and satisfied.

...Our tourist guide...

Pjant, Lynn, Jani, Anis, Aziey and Ein.

Thank you sebab dah create a lot of wonderful and loveliest memories 
together sepanjang kita di KL. 
You guys already giving me something precious to be remembered masa kita tua kelak (=
Walaupun just for a few days, i am getting to know all of you better.
And this trip really made us become closer than before.
For that, I personally thanks to Aunty (Shazwan's mum), for ciya-ing me a tix.

I still remember the sweet moments when all 8 of us went to play archery at Time Square.
I think this is our 1st experience playing archery (correct me, if i'm wrong),
except for Anis yang pernah join archery club time nya study dolok.

...From left : Ein, Jani and his girlfriend Anis...

...ROBINa HOODa kata diriknya tek :D...

Everyone look very excited during this time kecuali aku pandei nabes indah.
Shazwan noticed and asked me kenak rupa aku tang beliang semacam,
and tangan aku tiba tiba begegar gegar jak.
Aku nang jenis mun 1st time molah somethin, mesti jiwa kacau and nabes.
Lagik lagik time orang laki ya tengah explain and demonstrate gnei nak manah.
Ati aku dah sik keruan and dup dap dup dap jak jantong ku. Tuhan jak tauk aie.
Sbenanya aku sik dengar apa di padah laki ya, kotan embak bingong ke dirik.
Ku aok ku suma katanya, eksen eksen paham lah tekk. mukakudiat!
Bila nya soh aku try angkat panah ya and try to aim kat scoreboard kat depan, 
tang ada ada jak nya madah,

" Awak tak larat ek? Takpe, nanti saya amek kan untuk awak yang junior punyer ye."

Adoh adoh adohh, Azzy. Berik malu nama family jak ko tok ehh. Haha.
Supan lalu nyawa aku pasya eh. Tapi bantei jak lah.
Bantei punya bantei, abis aku shoot and hit scoreboard urang sebelah aku!
Nakpa namaa kau tok,Azzy. 
Rupa macam expert jak bila nak aim, siap tutup mata sebelah lagik ya.
Score board orang sebelah juak dirudu ku tok.
Yarabii yarabbiii!
Ku toleh rah case k nyimpan arrows, maseh ada banyak agik.
So, aku donate half of them dengan Wan.
Lemah dah nyawa ku nak main agik.

...Aziey & Anis so happy...

Lepas main achery ya, we all continue rawon rawon and hunting sumthin to buy di cya.
Having McD, as our meals for lunch sambil nangga orang main roller coaster rah sebelah ya.
Mun aku ada unlimited cash tek, maok aku ciya cdak tok sorang sorang main lam ya.
Next time jak la k? InsyaALLAH.

...Rear View of them,watching others riding a roller coaster...

...Anis & me; kepak, so dudok lok kejap...

There's a few more places yang sempat mek orang pegi lam 3 hari ya.
Tapi aku rasa kat Times Square tok yang paling happening.
Dont know why, tapi bukan maksud tempat lain ya sik best.
Maybe sebab aku rasa time tok jak la kelapan lapan mekorang suma hangout together.
Sekda berpecah. Mun kat tempat lain mesti sik cukup 8 8.

Pjant, Lynn, Jani, Anis, Aziey and Ein.
Sorry sebab......

:: sik sempat embak kitak orang makan kat tempat best best, rare and nyaman nyaman.
:: stay kat hotel yang maybe kitak orang sik berapa selesa, berempit rempit.
:: sometimes, i didnt join you guys all the time especially kat Pasar Malam & Uptown.
:: sik tolong kitak orang snap gamba banyak banyak ria.
:: mun kaki tangan badan kitak orang sakit n kepak sebab banyak gilak bejalan kaki.
:: the nite when we just arrived KL, kita sik jadi g Uptown n rest kat hotel ajak time ya.
:: To Lynn, sori coz sik neman kitak beli shawls & tudong for your friend, Juanita.
:: mun kamek tok banyak songeh gilak. HAHAHAHA!

I think sampei ctok ajak laa dolok k.
I have so much stories to be share about this trip.
Satu satu dolok okay.
Nok nei yang dapat d cerita, aku cerita laa.
The rest, aku simpan dalam hati ajak lah k?

I end up this entry with this lovely picture of my adorable awesome gorgeous sisters!

...You can guess who is the eldest in dis picture...
Pelik li jak muka aku eh. Emm sekpalah!

For more pitchas and full complete story about our trip,
boleh la click rah blog Cik Liyana Gallagher okay?

Till then.
Goodbye darlings!


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